Exercise......Don't get the Beetis

Exercise......Don't get the Beetis

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Riding in Kirksville

I guess that I should start by saying that today was a VERY interesting ride.

Riding in town in Kirksville (KV) is almost always interesting.  It seems that everyone in town is either ignorant of the rules of the road, negligent of the rules of the road, or just down right stupid.  It's not uncommon for at least one person in a car do something stupid while either leaving town or returning to town on my rides.  Tonight was a good one.

So I roll out on to Hwy 63 which is right in near my place.  I pull up to the stopped traffic at the light and the guy behind me in the pick-up truck is honking at me.  I guess he was ignorant of the fact that I am traffic when riding in the road.......No big deal I get to the right and he passes as he should (with at least 3 feet).

On Osteopathy, I get passed by a TRASHY mini van with the back door wagging in the wind.  I see that they pull over about 1/2 mile up the road to fix the door and I pass them back as they are pulled over.  So about 1/4 mile further down the road they buzz me (~1 foot to the mirror) for no reason.  I give the obliged hand signal indicating that by law, I get 3 feet and that they are dumb.  I catch the guy at the stop sign and attempt to ask him what the rush is and if he knows the rules of the road (politely I might add).  He yells something (couldn't hear it) as he peels out (yes in the shitty mini van) and down the road.  Alright, 2 idiots tonight. 

So now I am rolling down Boundary which is a good route to get out of town to the South.  I am on the white line and I head check to see a truck coming up behind me and a large car approaching from the south in the oncoming lane.  I signal that I am taking the lane to "encourage" the driver behind not to pass as we would go 3 wide.  Well, he didn't get it and goes even further left causing the oncoming car to brake hard even though he should have only let off the gas to slow and then pass instead of gassing it for the pass.  Again the obliged WTF and hand signal about space.  Again, I catch up to the offender at a stop sign.  He is getting out.  I think "good" polite discussion time.  He is Pissed that he almost hit the oncoming car.  I try to explain to him that I am a car and he made an illegal pass and any ill fated occurrences would have been his fault.  He claims "you think you own the road" to which I politely respond that I do not think that and would be willing to explain my stance (and the rules of the road) in the gas station parking lot to our right.  He is still just pissed and yelling.  Oh well.

Anyone have any advice how to best tell/inform these ignorant and dangerous drivers how to drive so that they do not endanger my life, the lives of others (the oncoming car), and even their own (even though that would be a clear message if something did happen to them)?

That's not the end of the events.

Part 4 was an encounter with a horse and buggy.  South of town, they are always out all over the road.  I try to not make any sudden moves and get all the way right when passing them when they are traveling the opposite direction. Well again today, the horse of the buggy driven by a 16-18yr/old girl was spooked and went off the road.  Luckily it was not the steep ditch right there.  I stopped to make sure she (and the horse) were OK.  And asked how to avoid that in the future.  She didn't have any advice and said I did everything I could.

Any of you in internet land have any adivce?  Stamper?  Mr. Nature boy.......

I will post a CX early season race report from Herman and Buffalo Bills some time in the near future.

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