Exercise......Don't get the Beetis

Exercise......Don't get the Beetis

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tests and the Happs

Back when I was teaching B-Nut (basic nutrition) at KSU, I always hated giving the test. Was it too hard? Where the students “getting it?” How do we keep the better students tuned in while not losing the one who need more coaxing…… (that will always be something teachers deal with).  Students bombed them for no good reason?

Well I gave my first test in Sports Nutrition today. The class all got B’s or better with most getting an “A” and it was not an easy test.  Much harder than the KSU ones.

On to the highlight though:

So, I had a question on the exam today which was asking what happens to absorption of carbohydrates and fat when you take an enzyme inhibitor (carb blocker) or Alli (the fat blocker). Part two was what happens in the large intestine.

So I have a student reply to the second part “Bacteria in your large intestine love you for providing them an excellent meal of carbs and in return produce methane gas ensuring that you remain single and lose all of your friends even though you are likely taking the drug to improve your body image and dating prospects”.

I then had them explain the glucose -  insulin -  GLUT4 response using the door bell analogy I used in class. I asked them to also tell me what the name of the disease is when insulin keeps ringing the doorbell with no answer. This same student aptly put Type II diabetes, but went on to say tht "Jehova’s Witnesses do the same thing and are often more persistent than insulin".

I was truly laughing out loud at that one.

I was also told that students memorize what you tell them. I did at one time tell them that Bacteria have a “field day” when we give them too much fiber. I read that on 80% of the tests I graded. I will have to ask if they know what they mean, Or what I meant when I said that…….

I wish I would have gotten a picture this morning, but the campus plumbers drive a gator with two plungers holding the tail gate shut. …..


This weekend is the First CX race of the season. I am heading down to Columbia and then to Hermann to race Sat night and Sunday afternoon. Race report (pics???) to come.

We have an AWESOME CX course set up at a local park. Flagged and marked. We had 5 guys on Tuesday and they seem to be hooked. And this is KV. Our course is way better than the Manhattan one, but not as cool as the one Stamper took me to in Omaha. There is talk of starting a Truman cycling team as well!

In other news, I had a crazy dream last night about building a house on a Budget. It was a $300K house that we did for $150K. Instead of paint, they used colored construction paper stappled to the walls. The fire place tiles were that cheap kitchen linoleum. And there were gaps in the floor that were just covered with carpet and pad. But on a positive note, it was about 4000 square feet……..

At least I wasn’t saving people in a Waste Management Garbage can???????

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